Distilled spirits, which are also known as distilled liquors, are alcoholic drinks that are obtained by the process of distillation either from wine, other fermented fruit juices or from starches like grains that have been brewed. The alcoholic content in distilled liquor is more than the liquor content in beer or wine. The Illinois distillery industry distills and blends different liquors, which are then bottled and sold to wholesalers and retailers. The distillery industry uses sugarcane molasses, cereals, and other agro-products for the production of alcoholic beverages. The production of the fermented and distilled drinks is done using locally grown materials and made in such a way that they are well suited to the climatic conditions prevailing in the location. Every step in the process, starting from the planting to harvesting, to milling and distilling, is carried out while maintaining the highest quality at the Distillery Rochelle Il.
Illinois Distillery
A distillery is a place where hard alcoholic beverages such as whiskey, vodka, rum, etc. are made. At the Illinois Distillery, the distilled spirits are made by mixing some of the basic ingredients like grains, yeast, and water. The recipe for each product is different. The grains are broken and the starches are converted to sugar. The sugar gets transformed into alcohol by the yeast. Then the grains are drained and the liquid is poured into the sill. The alcohol gets vaporized, so it is condensed by cooling the vapors, and the resulting liquid, which is the alcohol, is collected. In the Illinois Distillery, seven fermentation tanks have been locally fabricated, as have twin copper stills. They ensure maximum efficiency as well as the highest quality. The production floor has one of the best breweries in Illinois.
Distillery Rochelle Il
At Distillery Rochelle Il, the grains are inspected, properly cleaned, and milled and fermented. Special care is taken in the production of distilled spirits to ensure the finest quality. During the fermentation process, simple sugars are converted into ethyl alcohol using the best of the yeast enzymes. The difference in the alcohol and water boiling points is tapped into the distillation process for the separation of both the liquids to get alcohol. The distillers at Distillery Rochelle II have years of distilling experience. Their fermentation, as well as the distillation processes, ensure spirits of the highest quality.